Our Work


Share opportunities, create spaces to participate, participate meaningfully

This involves showing people how to get involved, signposting opportunities to engage in conversations and initiatives, promoting and generating interest in sharing feedback and opinions, and encouraging spaces where everyone can share insights and listen to one another.


Gain skills, share knowledge, build confidence

We develop and share content that explicitly provides opportunities for people in the fishing industry to gain skills, acquire knowledge and raise confidence to interact with fisheries scientists and managers, and vice versa, so everyone can contribute to fisheries management and research confidently and competently.


Create networks, build trust, encourage partnerships & participation

We champion collaborative approaches towards research and management by creating shared spaces for the industry, researchers and policy makers to interact. We highlight positive experiences of working together to encourage collaborative approaches. We work using empathy and understanding towards everyone involved.

Our Charitable Activities

Thorough our charitable activities, we are working towards our overarching goal of supporting sustainable and prosperous UK fisheries.

In doing so, we remain flexible and responsive to the needs and direction of specific science and management initiatives, specifically supporting Fisheries Management Plans and the science that underpins them.

See our Corporate Plan