We are building a catalogue of resources to help deliver the Sustainable Fisheries Education Programme.
Contact us with suggestions of new materials, or if there is something missing you would like to find.
Science 1: Setting the Scene (Carl O’Brien: Cefas)
Science 2: Fisheries Science Overview (Michel Kaiser: Heriot Watt University)
Science 3a: Fisheries Science in Practice 1 (Michel Kaiser: Heriot Watt University)
Science 3b: Fisheries Science in Practice 2 (Michel Kaiser: Heriot Watt University)
Science 4: Biological Sampling Programmes (Frank Armstrong: Cefas)
Science 5: Collaborative Science in Action(Mike Roach: Holderness Fishing Industry Group – HFIG)
Science 6: Stock Assessment ‘Master-Class’ (Carl O’Brien: Cefas)
Management 1: Defra Policy Update 1: TACs(Rebecca Jeffree: Defra)
Management 2: Defra Policy Update 2: Inshore Fisheries (Phil McBryde: Defra)
Management 3: IFCA Governance (Julian Gregory: Eastern IFCA)
Management 4: Managing MPAs (Stephen Thompson: Eastern IFCA)
Management 5: Using the Community Voice Method (Sandra Cowper: Eastern IFCA)
Economics 1: Economics and Inshore Fisheries: (Arina Motova: Seafish)
Economics 2: Social Science and its Role in Fisheries Management (Edd Hind-Ozan: Defra)
Economics 3: Co-Management and Inshore Fisheries – an Eye to the Future (Edd Hind-Ozan: Defra)
Science 1: the International Context for fisheries management (Eskild Kirkegaard, ICES)
Science 2: Marine Science, Fisheries and Oceanography (Bill Turrell, Marine Scotland Science)
Science 4: Fish Biology and Sustainability (Tara Marshall, Aberdeen University)
Science 5: Swept Area Survey activity (Steve Mackinson, SPFA)
Science & Management 2: ICES – Who Do They Think They Are? (Eskild Kirkegaard, ICES)
Science & Management 3: Demystifying ICES stock Assessment Sheets (Steve Mackinson, SPFA)
Science & Management 4: Negotiating for Real (Allan Gibb, Marine Scotland)
Science and Management 6: Governance and How to Get Involved (Mike Park, SWFPA)
Economics 2: Markets and Access (Cameron Moffat, Young’s)
Economics 3: Markets as Drivers of Change (Claire Pescod, MSC)
ISF 2018
Science 1: Setting the Scene (Carl O’Brien – Cefas)
Science 2: Fisheries Science Overview (Mike Kaiser – Bangor University)
Science 3: Fisheries Science in Practice (Mike Kaiser – Bangor University)
Science 4: Biological Sampling Programmes for Fin-fish and Shellfish (Rob Forster – Cefas)
Science 6a: Who’s Who in Fisheries Science (Hazel Curtis – Seafish)
Science 6: Stock Assessment “Master Class” (Carl O’Brien – Cefas)
Management 1: IFCA and Local Governance (Tim Robbins – D&SIFCA)
Management 2: EU and UK Annual Quota Negotiations (Andy Carroll – Defra)
Management 3a: Participation and Data – the South Devon Wrasse Fishery (Sarah Clark – D&SIFCA)
Management 3b: Participation and Data – the South Devon Whelk Fishery (Sarah Clark – D&SIFCA)
Economics 1: Economics and Social Science (Hazel Curtis – Seafish)
Economics 2: Improving Access to Markets (Andrew Pillar – Interfish)
Economics 4: Case Study – Cornish Sardine Fishery (Gus Caslake – Seafish)
Economics 5: Community Supported Fisheries Case Study (Chantelle Williams – Fresh from the Boat)
BOF 2017
Introduction to Marine Science and Oceanography (Professor Bill Turrell – Marine Scotland Science)
Fishery Sampling and Data Collection (Dr Steve Mackinson – Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association)
Fish Biology and Sustainability (Dr Tara Marshall – University of St. Andrews)
Group Activity – Swept Area Survey Planning (Dr Steve Mackinson – SPFA)
Stock Assessment and Modelling Overview (Coby Needle – Marine Scotland Science)
Biological Reference Points and Setting TACs (Alan Gibb – Marine Scotland Science)
Governance and How to Get Involved (Mike Park – CEO, Scottish White Fish Producer’s Organisation)
Reviewing Stock Assessment Sheets (Group Activity – Kieran Kelly, Marine Institute, Northern Ireland)
Economics and Social Science Considerations (Hazel Curtis – Seafish)